Harry Russell
Memorial Page
Who Sadly Passed Away On The 7th of August 2018
And Will Be Sorely Missed.
19/11/1926 - 07/08/2018
Rodney Cycling Club Newsletter
1st February 1976

The Rodney Gazette
The Official Organ Of The Rodney Cycling Club
April 1976

Here are some of harry's drawings with watercolour, which depict rides he took part in whilst being a member of the rodney cycling club
"Many Happy Memories"

Mind Where You're Putting That Thing                   Were Lost! I Bet The Rodney Are in a Pub

I Wonder If They could Spare a crum!     The Rodney C.C. fifties

Short Cut  "Let's Go Across Country You Said"!

My Kingdom for a Motorbike "Marshalls Late" Rodney C.C.

Nothing Round ere No Cafes No Pubs, only Flipping Hills

Hope To Do a Good Time This Morning

Nothing but bleeding hills Rodney C.C Easter 1966 On the way to the Somme